Below is a set of operators:
v - Disjunction (or)Some less common operators:
& - Conjunction (and)
¬ or ~ - Negation (not)
→ - Conditional (implication)
↔ - Bi-conditional (Equivalence)
↓ - Pierce Arrow - A↓B = ~(AvB)Parenthesis are used where order of precedence in applying operators may need to be modified for the current statement, or in cases where the author of the statement may just want to make their case more clear. Precedence will be discussed later.
↑ or | - Sheffer Stroke - A↑B = ~(A&B)
A common way to discuss the validity of certain statements is with a truth table. Below is an example of such a table.

While I believe that truth tables are useful in demonstrating the differences between tautologies and contingent truths to intro students, I feel it is best to breeze straight past them and on to Semantic Tableaux in the next issue.